LESCO New Connection

Applying for a LESO New Connection

Required Documentation

To initiate the application process for a LESCO new connection, applicants must furnish essential documents, which typically include a copy of their National Identity Card (NIC), ownership papers, and other pertinent records as dictated by the type of connection they are seeking.

LESCO Demand Notice Fee

The demand notice fee for a new LESCO connection varies depending on the specific type of connection being applied for. This fee can be settled through multiple payment methods, including online, at a bank, or via mobile banking services.

The estimated demand notice fee is as follows:

  • For city areas: Rs-12,660
  • For rural areas: Rs-10,830

We advise you to contact the relevant LESCO department to verify the exact fee.

Application Procedure

Upon completion of the application form and attachment of the requisite documents, the application should be submitted to the LESCO office. Once submitted, it may take up to 15-20 days for the processing of a new connection request.

Processing Timeframe LESCO endeavors to provide a new connection within 15-20 days after receiving the application form. In cases of any delays, applicants will receive notification.

Meter Replacement

Reasons for Meter Replacement

Meter replacement is necessary when the old meter reading is inaccurate, or outdated, or if customers encounter other meter-related issues.

Application Process

Customers can apply for meter replacement online or in person, accompanied by supporting documents such as a copy of their NIC or ownership records.

Timeframe for Meter Replacement

LESCO aims to complete meter replacements within 7-10 days after receiving the application form. Customers will be informed of the scheduled date and time for the meter replacement.

Required Documents

In conjunction with the meter replacement application, customers are required to submit a photocopy of their National Identity Card or relevant ownership documents.


LESCO Complaint Resolution Portal

Customers dissatisfied with LESCO’s services have the option to complain to the LESCO complaint resolution portal.

Procedure for Filing Complaints

To register a complaint, customers need to fill out the online form, providing details about the issue they are encountering. Following the submission of a complaint, LESCO’s customer service department will assess it, and a resolution will be provided within 7-10 days.

Meter Tampering

Meter Tampering Should customers detect any tampering or unauthorized access to their meter, they are urged to report it immediately via the LESCO complaint resolution portal. Reporting such matters is vital in preventing fraudulent activities.

Complaints Regarding Unsatisfactory Services

Customers dissatisfied with any LESCO service can raise their concerns through the LESCO complaint resolution portal. Alternatively, customers can contact the customer service hotline or visit the LESCO customer service center.

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